Discover Orange County ABOTA
The mission of the Orange County Chapter of ABOTA, like the national organization, is to foster improvement in the ethical and technical standards of practice in the field of advocacy in order to assure that individual litigants may receive more effective representation and that the general public can benefit by more efficient administration of justice consistent with time-tested and traditional principles of litigation.​
ABOTA Code of Professionalism
As a member of the American Board of Trial Advocates, I shall:
Always remember that the practice of law is first and foremost a profession.
Encourage respect for the law, the courts, and the right to trial by jury.
Always remember that my word is my bond and honor my responsibilities to serve as an officer of the court and protector of individual rights.
Contribute time and resources to public service, public education, charitable and pro bono activities in my community.
Work with the other members of the bar, including judges, opposing counsel, and those whose practices are different from mine, to make our system of justice more accessible and responsive.
Resolve matters and disputes expeditiously, without unnecessary expense, and through negotiation whenever possible.
Keep my clients well-informed and involved in making decisions affecting them.
Achieve and maintain proficiency in my practice and continue to expand my knowledge of the law.
Be respectful in my conduct toward my adversaries.
Honor the spirit and intent, as well as the requirements of applicable rules or codes of professional conduct, and shall encourage others to do so.
Mission and Purpose
The Specific Purposes of the Orange County ABOTA Chapter Are:
To elevate the standards of integrity, honor, and civility in the legal profession.
To aid in the further education of trial lawyers; to work for the preservation of our jury system; to improve methods of procedure of our present trial court system; to serve as an informational center; to discuss and study matters of interest to trial lawyers; to advance the skill of its members as trial attorneys; to honor the members of the Association who have the requisite qualifications; to provide a forum for the expression of interest common to trial lawyers and to act as an agency through which trial lawyers in general, and members of the Association in particular, shall have a voice with which to speak concerning matters of common and general interest.
To establish relations and cooperate with other legal organizations and associations for the purposes of promoting the efficient administration of justice and constant improvement of the law.
To cultivate a spirit of loyalty, fellowship, and professionalism among our members; to advance the interests of the members of the Association professionally and to enable trial lawyers as a group to have an active association of standing in the community and nation through which they may learn and be heard.